
Sunday, July 24, 2016

Psst!! The governor of Ohio refused to (illegally) suspend gun rights in Cleveland for the duration of the GOP convention. I am curious as to where all the bodies resulting from this 'INSANE' decision are stored. Will there be a quiet mass burial after everyone goes home? There was a very entertaining show trial after the Democrat convention in '68. Remember Abbie Hoffman -- Jerry Rubin -- Tom Hayden (Mr. Jane Fonda) and the other four of the infamous Chicago Seven? THAT was good television! I anxiously await an internet podcast. Popcorn is ready.  >>   Rohn Galt

Saturday, July 23, 2016

"If the view of my property increases the value of your property, you should pay me rent"  --  Rohn Galt
"Payment of slave reparations will be issued as soon as all delinquent rents are collected" -- Chief John Redcloud
Libertarians just want to live
their lives in peace.
Republicans want to
tell you how to live.
Democrats want to tell you
 how THEY want to live
and make you pay for it. -- Rohn Galt